Big Five Personality Model

Author: Floor Hendriks | Published on: Monday 6 November 2023 | Last updated on: Monday 6 November 2023


The Big Five personality model: what is it and what can you do with it?

Personality models are increasingly used in the human resource industry. Taking a personality test from a candidate or employee will give you a clear picture of his or her personality. You can use this image to determine whether or not a candidate is a good fit for your company, what position this candidate is best suited for, and to test whether or not an existing employee is in the right place in the organization.

There are several personality models you can employ as a human resource manager. One of the best known and most popular models, is the Big Five personality model. More about this model, read on this page.


The Big Five personality model: a brief introduction

The Big Five personality model is a model of five traits. The model is used in psychological investigations, as well as in recruitment and selection, analyzing and addressing conflicts on the corporate floor and coaching. The personality model can also be used well as a human resource manager. An important feature of the Big Five personality, is that the scores on the five traits are normally distributed. People who take this test are not boxed in. For example, they can also be a little introverted and a little extroverted at the same time. This makes the Big Five personality test very reliable and thus useful.


How does the Big Five personality model work?

As mentioned earlier, there are five character traits according to the Big Five personality. These character traits are briefly described below.


Extraversion is the degree to which a person does (not) need to interact with others. Extraverts are social, active and talkative. Introverts prefer to work alone, in a quiet environment.


Agreeableness is also called friendliness in the Big Five personality test. This is the degree to which a person is accommodating, tolerant and helpful. A less accommodating person is often more competitive and sometimes less cooperative.


Carefulness represents the degree to which a person is organised and purposeful.

Emotional stability

Emotional stability represents the degree to which a person is or is not emotionally stable. If someone is not emotionally stable, then this person is neurotic.


Openness usually represents the degree to which a person is willing and able to speak openly, but with the Big Five personality test, this term stands for something else. Indeed, in this case, openness represents the degree to which a person is open to new experiences and/or new ideas. People who score high in this category tend to be more flexible than those who score lower.


A personality test without boxes

As mentioned earlier, the Big Five personality test does not pigeonhole people. For example, you can be a little extroverted, a little careful or a little open to new experiences and ideas.

After taking the test, you’ll see exactly what scores you get for each character trait. If the score is very high or low, then with this character trait you are in one of the extremes. In this case, for example, you are not at all or are very extroverted. If your score is average, then in this case you are a little extroverted, but not very much so.


Using the Big Five personality model: tips

Would you like to  use the Big Five personality test in your organization? Then we would like to give you some tips on how to properly use this test when screening candidates and testing your staff or applicants.

Tip 1: Give your interlocutor time to take the test

It’s a waste if the Big Five personality test is rushed simply because the test is less reliable in this case. Do indicate that your interlocutor should not think too long about the questions and answers in the test. After all, thinking too much also reduces the likelihood of reliable answers.

Tip 2: Choose a reliable test

There are many companies that offer the Big Five personality test. Not all companies have a reliable test. By choosing a reliable and validated test from a good party, you can be sure to take a good examination. This is important because only a proper examination offers a clear picture of a person’s personality.

Tip 3: Discuss the test

Have you taken a test with a candidate for an open position or an existing employee within the organisation? Then don’t forget to discuss the test. The bare research results are interesting, but someone’s comments on these research results are even more interesting. For example, ask if he or she agrees with the results, or if he or she identifies with the results. Also ask further: why is your interlocutor actually like this? What does he or she think about this? Is this right or wrong?

By asking questions about the results of the Big Five personality test, you get an even clearer picture of your interlocutors character. This makes the personality model even more valuable in your work as a human resource manager.

Floor Hendriks

Floor has extensive experience in advising and implementing (online) HR tools and services. For over a decade, he has specialized in leveraging online assessments and tools for talent management challenges in the HR cycle with the aim of increasing employee and organizational performance.